Sunday, February 7, 2010

Pain In My Vigina My Gf Has A Pain On The Left Side Of Her Vigina Wat Could It Be?

My gf has a pain on the left side of her vigina wat could it be? - pain in my vigina

None of us have with someone else for 12 months and told the nurse that it might genital warts, but it seems after 3 months, I think it is a muscle, but goin for 2 months and have no symptoms. There are also other events that are not only pain on one side.


  1. Maybe the sister was right! Have you been in your gf, where he went? If not, can not say that they cheated. Tell him to go to see a doctor and see what they think.

  2. Maybe the sister was right! Have you been in your gf, where he went? If not, can not say that they cheated. Tell him to go to see a doctor and see what they think.

  3. What kind of pain?

  4. This looks like a pulled muscle, you should check with your doctor if just to be on the safe side.

  5. It could be an internal problem, the pain on one side and cysts on your ovaries or something. If the pain is only one side causes problems and has taken so long, I suspect that there is an internal error in this area. You need an ultrasound examination to have to check the problem.
