Saturday, January 23, 2010

Mr Beer Brewing How May I Purchase A Mr. Beer Brewing Kit In Either Singapore Or Thailand? If Not, Then How Could It Ship?

How may I purchase a Mr. Beer brewing kit in either Singapore or Thailand? If not, then how could it ship? - mr beer brewing

I want to go home brewing attempt, but were frustrated in their efforts to find a Mr. Beer kit. At this point I am interested to make two liters at a time. It seems there was once an active site Mr. Beer in Singapore, but no longer works. I travel to Thailand soon. Mr. Beer could be made available in Singapore or Thailand? If not, how can I send?


  1. I have also recently taken the beer at home with friends. We bought the kit iBrew Coopers and have (successfully) in the series so far. Ibrew The good thing is that the cooler (albeit homemade) that would otherwise be difficult to get the bottles would be at a constant low temperature of the mixture obtained, especially in times of Singapore. The delivery of the products are free of charge.

    Your website:

  2. not. Mr. Beer is regarded as an inferior product, and less of what you get a real fermentation bucket or carboy, and all the supplies they do not have very good beer. Whether in Singapore or Thailand to be able to find, that sell supplies for brewing beer at home.
