Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Cystic Fibrosis Disease Will I Get Cystic Fibrosis Disease If I Live/share Utensils With Person Who Have Cystic Fibrosis?

Will I get Cystic Fibrosis disease if I live/share utensils with person who have Cystic Fibrosis? - cystic fibrosis disease

Cystic fibrosis is the spread of the disease is transmitted to humans in order?


  1. It is not contagious, so you do not catch CF from another person.

    CF is genetic. Genetic such as eye color or hair color, so easy to catch "CF as it is" captured ", blue eyes and black hair of a man.

  2. Cystic fibrosis is the most common disease autosomnal, which must inherit a defective gene from each parent. To this end, not transferred, no.

    The question we must ask ourselves, is the time to live / share units with a person with cystic fibrosis is detrimental to his health, it is easy to pick up insects and microbes readily. It must always wash your hands. And do not treat, not as someone coughs with cystic fibrosis.

  3. You can not catch CF from someone who has. CF is a genetic disorder, he should inherit his mother and father.

  4. You can not catch CF from someone who has. CF is a genetic disorder, he should inherit his mother and father.

  5. Not at all. CF is inherited, can be transmitted from person to person.

  6. You can not cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease .. are born with it.

  7. CF is genetic. People are born with it. It is not catchy!
