Wednesday, February 3, 2010

34 Weeks Pregnant Baby Heart Skip 34 Weeks Pregnant And Baby's Heart Is Skipping A Beat?

34 weeks pregnant and baby's heart is skipping a beat? - 34 weeks pregnant baby heart skip

I'm Prego 34 weeks, and I went to my appointment 2 days ago and said the baby's heart is the third time ... I want an ultrasound in a few days and then I must go back to my DR, which is the baby's heartbeat strong and on.My gone well so far seen only RD 2 weeks and everything was so beautiful in the still hoping its just me. . To make soda or no worries ... who said that nothing of what I did and still does not really tell me what could cause someone with experience it.has pregnancy?


  1. their concerns in obstetrics and perinatology y.

  2. Probably Arrhythmia (excuse the spelling), I heard their policy for the babies in and they almost always gone .. and no, that never happened to me ..
